Sunday, August 9, 2009

Turtle a la mode?

So I am having problems using Bloglines Playlist. Darn. Back to Google Reader I guess. So I will try to make rounds once again and add myself to "follow" some more blogs. I guess most of you guys use Goggle Reader? I added a gadget to the left here so you could use other feeds -- I hope it works for you if you try to use it. I would prefer to get feeds that come to your email but not everyone has that set up on their blogs.

I should stop complaining. Remember the AOL alerts we used to get? And how we complained? LOL You can make us happy no matter what they give us! LOL

Oh well, no news here. Same old stuff just a different day.


I did a google search for "turtle a la mode", I mean, like, you NEVER know what you will find on the web. I didn't find any turtles with ice cream (well, I did find this , and this
and even Martha Stewart had this) but I did find a couple really funny stuff here and this one. (Also a really "can't believe they filmed that" link showed up for a youtube video showing turtles er..... mating.....and the male was um.... enjoying it. No I didn't save the link.)


  1. Cute that you googled your blog title. I bet that was interesting. Have a good week.

  2. Turtles always make me think of my favorite candy. They are carmel,pecans and chocolate. They are sooo good too

  3. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I thought I had lost you somewhere. Love the new blog. I really miss the AOL alerts. We really were a community then. Blessings, Penny

  4. Good to find you here, Kathy. Hope you're having a good summer :-)
